Hello from Solid Rock Real Estate! We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has helped make Solid Rock what it is! At this time, we have decided to close the doors. We’ve had many years of growing to love this area and the people in it. Over the years, we have had countless clients become close friends, friendships that hold strong today and will continue for many years to come! We have had the opportunity to view this land, breathtaking views, gorgeous homes and wildlife like no other profession gets the privilege to and we have fallen deeply in love with it all.
You have entrusted us with some of the biggest moves of your life; fearful first-time buyers, excited sellers ready to move on, and expectant retirees buying their final place to relax in God’s beautiful creation of the Hill Country. We thank you for that. We’ll still be around. Jan is looking forward to retirement and enjoying more time with Carl, and the grandbabies, and trying her hand at hobbies she never before had time for. As we go down different paths we will always treasure the good times and great friends that were brought together by Solid Rock Real Estate. God bless you all